Wednesday 6 January 2016


The medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) was discovered by Dr I. Made Budi when he assumed his academic teaching assignment at the University of Cendrawasih in Jayapura, province of Papua, Indonesia. He carried out an extensive research on the nutritional values and medicinal benefits on Buah Merah (Red Fruit). In 2002, Dr I. Made Budi commercialized the results of his research to promote the oil extract of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in Indonesia as an alternative medicine against cancer, tumor and diabetes. Buah Merah (Red Fruit) products had received overwhelming response from the Indonesia market, and attracted research interest from local and oversea researchers to look into the importance of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) to battle against degenerative diseases.
The success of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) had attracted Professor Elin Yulinah Sykandar from the Pharmacy Department FMIPA of Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia to investigate the anti-inflammatory properties of Buah Merah(Red Fruit). Professor Elin administered Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil with a dosing of 0.9 ml/kg and 1.8 ml/kg of body weight respectively to Wistar female rats which had undergone inflammation induction. Results had shown that Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil revealed inflammatory inhibition activities with performance as high as 97%. A LD50 Acute Toxicity study was conducted simultaneously to show that overdosage of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil extract do not pose any acute toxicity effect to human. Professor Elin’s research on Buah Merah (Red Fruit) was published on the journal of ACTA Pharmaceutica Indonesia, Volume XXX, No. 3, 2005, page 76.

The marketing campaign of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) products in Indonesia emphasizes on the anti-cancer effect of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil, this has led Professor Abdul Mun’im from the Department of Pharmacy Faculty MIPA, University Indonesia to unveil the medicinal claims of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in the following year, 2006. Professor Adbul’s research objective was to determine the carcinogenesis inhibition effect of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil by examining the effect on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthrasene (DMBA) induced lung cancer model in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The results showed that Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil improved lung carcinogenesis inhibition. This was the first scientific study conducted to support the medicinal claims and benefits of Buah Merah (Red Fruit). Professor Abdul’s research was published on the journal of Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, Volume III, No. 3, 2006, page 153.

Buah Merah (Red Fruit), the extraordinary fruit from the Papua has caught the attention of Dr Toshiaki Nishigaki from Japan to conduct a series of systematic investigation to prove the magnificent medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in 2006. Dr Nashigaki from the School of Medicine, Shinshu University, Japan, who heads M&K Laboratories Inc. Japan, NGO Research Association and Tokyo Noni Research Center was the first to identify the presence of beta-cryptoxanthin in Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil extract. Beta-cryptoxanthin is a key carotenoid which plays an important role as a probable chemopreventive agent against lung cancers, especially associated with smoking.
Dr Nishigaki carried out an in vitro studies to demonstrate the capacity of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil extract to prohibit the growth of human cancer cell line A549 with Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil extract dosing of 500 mg. Dr Nishigaki’s research work was published in the Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Shinshu University Volume 44, No. 1.2, 2008.
Dr Nishigaki had taken an extra mile to educate about the medicinal properties and benefits by authoring a book titled: Khasiat Buah Merah (Red Fruit) (博士の愛した赤い果実 プアメラ). This book was published in 2007. Buah Merah (Red Fruit) products have earned the credentials to be registered as Functional Health Food and marketed in Japan in 2006.
The success story of patients who recovered from critical illness since the administration of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) oil was advocated by word of mouth, press media, talk shows and seminars had boosted the market demand and confidence of Buah Merah (Red Fruit). The capacity of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) to prevent and cure chronic diseases such as cancer, tumor, diabetes or HIV/AIDS has taken the Indonesia healthcare market by storm.
The huge success of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) products in Indonesia market was truly astonishing, and was featured in the Euromonitor International report of Health and Wellness category in November 2006.


Research on Buah Merah (Red Fruit) and its nutritional content: Carotenoids are intensively carried out around the world. There are many research papers and references published on reputable journals which can be found from data bases such as Medliner, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Web of Knowledge
  1. Southwell K, Harris R. (1992) Chemical Characteristics of Pandanus Conoideus Fruit Lipid.
    Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 58(4): 593-594
  2. Rao AV, Rao RV. (2007). Carotenoids and Human Health.
    Pharmacological Research 55; 207-216
  3. Agarwal S, Rao AV. (2000) Carotenoids and Chronic Diseases.
    Journal of Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions 17(1-4):189-210
  4. Astrog P (1997). Food Carotenoids and Cancer Prevention: An Overview of Current Research.
    Trends Food Science Technology 8:406-13.
  5. Ingrid S, Nishigaki T (2008). Indonesian Biodiversities, from Microbes to Herbal Plants as Potential Functional Foods.
    Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Shinshu University Vol 44 No.1.2
  6. Bourke, R.M. (2007). Indigenous Fruits in Papua New Guinea.
    Unpublished paper. Department of Human Geography, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. The Australian National University, Canberra
  7. Mun’im, A. Andrajati, R. Susilowati, H. (2006) Uji Hambatan Tumorigenesis Sari Buah Merah [Red Fruit] (Pandanus Conoideus Lam.) Terhadap Tikus Putih Betina Yang Diinduksi 7,12 Dimetilbenz(a)Antrasen (DMBA).
    Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian 3(3): 153-161 {a} Department Farmasi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
  8. Sukandar, E.Y., Suwendar, Adnyana, I.K. (2005) Uji Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Minyak Buah Merah [Red Fruit] (Pandanus Conoideus Lamk.) Pada Tikus Wistar Betina.
    ACTA Pharmaceutica Indonesia XXX(3): 76-79. {a} Department Farmasi FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Report on Safety and anti-cancer actions of Buah Merah at
International Conference of Nutraceutical Functional Foods held in Bali, October, 2010

Saturday 24 October 2015


Buah Merah means RED (Merah) and FRUIT (Buah). It looks like a Giant Corn and/or Carrot.

– Red Fruit is safe

– Red Fruit is 100% Natural – No Side Effects

– Red Fruit can be consumed Long term

– Red Fruit Product has been approved by the FDA Indonesia (No.Reg. POM TR. 053 642 731)

– It is proven to boost immune system

It  can only be found in 2,000 – 3,000 meters above sea level in Papua New Guinea.

BUAH MERAH MIX helps those who have cancer, AIDS, tumor, cyst, infections, high blood, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, liver problem, diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis, hypertension, stroke, prostate problem, osteoporosis,bronchial problems, asthma and all sorts of generative type of diseases. Also good for curing dengue fever.

BUAH MERAH MIX is immune system booster that PROMOTES NATURAL HEALING.

Pandanus Conoideus - BUAH MERA  is a plant that grows in the mountain regions of Papua, Indonesia. It bears a miraculous fruit which the Papuans call "kuansu" or "buah merah" which literally means a "red fruit" in Indonesia. It can grow in huge sizes around 100 cm in length, 18 cm in diameter length and weighs about 7.5 kg. The fruit has a  blunt edge and cylindrical shape. It has known several medicinal applications which the natives use and was also  believed to be a good supplement. 


Various doctors, scientists and even tourists from all over the world started flocking the mountainous regions of Papua once the word got out and one of them was Dr. Toshioki Nishigaki of Tokyo, Japan. (Vice Chairman of the NGO Research Association of Tropical Medicinal Plants and Consultant of M&K Laboratories). Studies were made from the extracted oil of the Buah Merah fruit and experts found out that it was a very good source of micro nutrient supplement for beta-Cryptoxanthin. Dr. Nishigaki presented the profiles of Buah Merah and beta-Cryptoxanthin during the 1st Buah Merah Science and Business Meeting held at the Micron's Head Office in Tokyo Japan on May 17, 2011. He emphasized the safety and efficacy of Buah Merah for lung cancer, colonal cancer, joint pain, liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, virus infection, pms, osteoporosis and among others. It was also noted that buah merah might be associated with quenching  ROS/RNS resulting in cancer prevention and possible treatment.

Dr. Nishigaki called up his friend in the Philippines, MS. JOY ALCASABAS , a professional licensed chemist, owner and President of Lynx Nia Medica and Essensa Naturale. He introduced to her the Buah Merah oil extract and its possible uses and applications. It didn't take long for Joy to come up with various formulations from cosmetics, to liniment pain reliever and a natural health drink that even enhances and utilizes the power of the buah merah. Thus, the Buah Mera Mix Super Anti-Oxidant Natural health Drink was born in 2012. What made this formula unique was the infusion of other super anti-oxidants known to man and science ( mangosteen,barleymalunggay also known as moringa oleifera,wheat grass and the soursop fruit or  guyabano ).

 No wonder this product has created a lot of testimonies and a huge number of followers in just a short period of time and the miracles of healing is actually brought about by our own human cells called the immune system. Taking just a couple of bottle caps full every 30 minutes before meal can effectively supplement our nutritional daily needs that we no longer get from our regular diet. But for those with already ailing illnesses, a mega dosage is recommended depending on the seriousness of the disease.  
      The big difference which makes the Buah Merah Mix stand-out among the rest of the supplements  available in the market today is it's immediate and almost instant effect in improving people's health condition. But these are not intended to treat or replace any medications prescribed by doctors. Keep in mind that its just a simple food loaded with nutrients coming from nature itself which are organic, non-toxic and all natural. Remember the late great father of medicine, Hippocrates  He was the one who said, "let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be thy food"

So let us start the habit of drinking to our health. Cheers!

BUAH MERAH MIX - Awarded as BEST HEALTH JUICE DRINK by NCAF (National Consumer Affairs Foundation) Oct. 9, 2013. And by 10th National Product Quality Excellence Awards as “Best Product Quality and Service” April 2015