BuahMerah means RED (Merah) and FRUIT (Buah). It looks like a Giant Corn and/or Carrot.

– Red Fruit is safe

– Red Fruit is 100% Natural – No Side Effects

– Red Fruit can be consumed Long term

– Red Fruit Product has been approved by the FDA Indonesia (No.Reg. POM TR. 053 642 731)

– It is proven to boost immune system

It  can only be found in 2,000 – 3,000 meters above sea level in Papua New Guinea.

Pandanus Conoideus - BUAH MERA  is a plant that grows in the mountain regions of Papua, Indonesia. It bears a miraculous fruit which the Papuans call "kuansu" or "buah merah" which literally means a "red fruit" in Indonesia. It can grow in huge sizes around 100 cm in length, 18 cm in diameter length and weighs about 7.5 kg. The fruit has a  blunt edge and cylindrical shape. It has known several medicinal applications which the natives use and was also  believed to be a good supplement. 

An indigenous fruit exclusively found in the Highland of Papua Island.

Buah Merah has been consumed by Papuan tribes for years as energy and vitamin sources to reinforce their body against the harsh living environment. Of late, Buah Merah’s extraordinary medicinal value has attracted great interest from worldwide researchers to study its health benefits .

The oil extract of Buah Merah is a good source of carotenoids including ά and β-carotene, as well as β-cryptoxanthin. Many research studies had shown that β-cryptoxanthin is a key carotenoid which fortifies human immune system against chronic and degenerative diseases in modern life.

Modern research conducted by Shinshu University of Japan has shown that the oilextract from Buah Merah has extremely high level of β-cryptoxanthin. Epidemiology researchers have conducted in-vitro studies on β-cryptoxanthin to show its significant effect in lowering the risk of lung cancer.

What does β-cryptoxanthin do?
β-cryptoxanthin is a class of pro-vitamin A compound in carotenoids.

Carotenoids are recognized globally by researchers for its anti-oxidant properties for preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.

Carotenoids such as ά and β-carotene, as well as β-cryptoxanthin have the added advantage of being able to convert to Vitamin A. Many research studies had shown that β-cryptoxanthin is a key carotenoid which fortifies human immune system againstchronic diseases in modern life.

Other benefits of Buah Merah
A rich source of natural vitamin E, Omega 3, 6, 9.

Which are important anti-oxidants to destroy oxygen free radicals that attack our healthycells. The higher level of antioxidants in our body helps to slow down aging processand reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Therefore it is recommended toconsume Minyak Buah Merah daily to maintain the level of β-cryptoxanthin and anti-oxidants in the range associated with a lower risk of chronic disease.

Minyak Buah Merah is very beneficial to smokers, middle aged and working classindividuals who undertake stressful and unhealthy lifestyle. However Minyak Buah Merah is recommended to children and teenagers too as a holistic supplement for better health maintenance.


BUAH MERAH MIX helps those who have cancer, AIDS, tumor, cyst, infections, high blood, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, liver problem, diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis, hypertension, stroke, prostate problem, osteoporosis,bronchial problems, asthma and all sorts of generative type of diseases. Also good for curing dengue fever.

BUAH MERAH MIX is immune system booster that PROMOTES NATURAL HEALING.

Buah Merah Mix is a healthy and refreshing juice drink, enriched with Natural Anti-Oxidant (Beta-Cryptosanthin) that boosts the immune system.

  • Gives Extra Energy & Improves Stamina
  • Boosts the Immune System
  • Fights Cancer Cells
  • Reduces Bad Cholesterol
  • Normalize Blood Sugar Level
  • Detoxify Toxins
BUAH MERAH MIX will help those are suffering from:
  • High Cholesterol
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Brochial Problem
  • Diabetes
  • Prostrate Problem
  • Poor Memory
  • Constipation
  • Stroke
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Weak Body
  • Anemic
  • Back Pain
  • Lupus
  • Goiter
  • Myoma
  • Other Degenerative diseases
All natural herbal health drink derived from nature's most nutritious fruits and green foods: BUAH MERAH, BARLEY, WHEAT GRASS, MORINGA, MANGOSTEEN AND GUYABANO

Complementary Benefits from other Super Foods

Barley, Wheat Grass and Moringa are recognized worldwide as the most nutritious among the super greens. They contain high levels of chlorophyll, known as blood builder, and an astounding concentration of anti-cancer enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phyto-chemicals. Specifically, the juice extracts from young barley grass are known to contain all the nutrients required by the human body from birth to old age.  All these super greens also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which are vital for colon-cleansing and detoxification of bad cholesterol from our veins and arteries. 

Mangosteen is crowned as the Queen of All Fruits! It contains 40 biologically-active, natural chemical compounds called Xanthones, which can help people who have cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Mangosteen also have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant properties. 

Guyabano is known as the "Miraculous Natural Cancer Killer" and its potency is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. A study by the National Cancer Institute found that Guyabano leaves and stems are effective in attacking malignant cells but do not destroy the healthy cells, unlike synthetic chemotherapy. Guyabano also have many other health benefits, including natural reliefs for diabetes, high-blood pressure, chronic pains from arthritis, joint and back problems, and rheumatism, and many more.  

Each of these super foods offers many health benefits to the human body. But combined together they bring an unparalleled synergy of nutrients that can help the human body to recover from a myriad of chronic degenerative diseases. 
This has been made possible only with Buah Merah Mix. Thanks to Essensa Naturale! 


Preparation: Add 300ml of mineral water into the bottle or up to the indicated level. Do not use hot water, chlorinated water or distilled water. Shake well until powder extracts completely dissolved with water.

For Dietary Supplement: Take 1 bottle cap in the morning and 1 bottle cap in the evening. Use the bottle cap for measurement. This dosage is enough to keep our body healthy and prevent diseases.

For mild medical condition such as fever and flu: Take 2 bottle caps in the morning and 2 bottle caps in the evening.

For chronic health problems such as cancer, stroke, heart disease, hyper-tension, tumor, cysts, etc.: Take 1 bottle daily; half in the morning and half in the evening.

Best time to drink Buah Merah Juice is 30 minutes before meal on an empty stomach.

Follow-up with 1-2 glasses of water after taking the juice. This helps in the smooth distribution of nutrients throughout our body. Be sure to drink 1-2 litters of mineral or alkaline water throughout the day.

Storage: 1 bottle of Buah Merah Mix can be taken for 1 week up to 15 days. You can store the juice at room temperature for not longer than 5 days. A slight fermentation will take place making the juice more potent and effective. For 5 days and above, place the juice inside the refrigerator. 

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